Monday, February 20, 2006


Oh, I am such a slacker! I haven't written in this for ages, because I have so little to say!

I confess I have not felt bored since I started my big holiday. Each day I do my FlyLady list, and then I have a bit of free time, which I normally use for craft, the internet or reading. My exercise this month is to hit 10,000 steps a day on my pedometer, or rather 70,000 a week; I do more some days and less others. Yesterday was Sunday, the end of the week, and I had to go for a 2 hour walk to get my steps up! I'm also doing my Pilates DVD each week (50 minutes). The annoying thing is, when I exercise more I'm hungrier, so I'm not losing weight. Oh well; good for the old heart, I guess.

Actually I have trouble deciding what to do some days. I have been cross-stitching and watching the Winter Olympics, though they are mostly on in the evening. I'm reading a nice fat book, though mostly in bed... can't seem to find time for it otherwise. I'm practicing a bit of calligraphy, too, and I have my calligraphy stuff all spread out on Kelly's desk (which we are babysitting). I'm in the middle of knitting a jumper, though I want to start a few other knitting projects. I'm determined to finish this jumper first... well, maybe not determined. We'll see! Lol! I'd like to finish it before Winter, but there are other projects I want to do before then. I haven't had time for knitting anyway, as I've got too many other things I like doing!

We had a Halo night on Saturday, which is always fun. About 10 people came, and most stayed until about 2am. I played a bit, although I do get sick of being slaughtered all the time! Spent most of the night making a little present for my dad... Also made a few other presents recently.

When I was working, I could spare a bit of time for craft, though it felt very wasteful to sit and do calligraphy for 3 hours when the dishes weren't done. Now I have a reasonably clean house and lots of time for fun!

I'm starting to feel like Never going back to work. I know I'll have to, though not full-time, but I guess it doesn't hurt to dream ;-)

...told you I had nothing to say. It's just waffle...


kelgell said...

Ooo I have that same problem. I am crocheting a poncho at the moment but keep finding other cool things I'd like to do. I bought a pattern at the opshop for a kids poncho that looks nice. Sometimes there's just too much room for creativity--in my head anyway.

Vi said...

oh, but such interesting waffle! Time off is great, huh? I'm still working, but only about 32 hours a week, and I am just LOVING the free time! I agree with you... it is nice to dream about not having to work! :)