Tuesday, February 19, 2008

Oh, I'm so slack!

In my defense, of course, I've been keeping Byron's blog updated over the last... er... few months. I haven't been doing much that doesn't involve him, quite frankly. And the older he gets the more time he seems to take up!

Our new baby is coming in July, and it will have lots of little friends. My cousin Sonia is having her fifth, my friend Pam is having one, and her sister is having twins, my friend Hannah is having one, too, and of course, Nicole Kidman. There will be babies everywhere!

My brother's family has gone to Melbourne, where they're all doing school (except Ben and Ezra). My sister's coming back from America in about a month. I've read a few books. That's it... the rest is baby stuff.



kelgell said...

Seona is up to four isn't she?? Unless she's having four and five...

Michael, Sarah and Timothy and now another one right??

Alrischa said...

Yep, her number 4 is due in September. Oh, and Tanya and "Paddy" are having one in July, too. Remember Paddy? He was sitting behind us in church the other week, pulling faces at Byron to make him smile. hehehe.