Tuesday, February 17, 2009

My little brothers

I pinched this from the defence force's web site. It's a picture of some of the Army Reserve guys helping with the bushfire disasters. The second (from the left) is my brother Matt, and the 4th is my brother Simon.
They're helping with the cleanup in Marysville, a town where my Auntie and Uncle (and many other people) lost their house.

Sunday, January 18, 2009

My messy little life

I’ve just been reading through a blog called http://dyeliciousaddictions.blogspot.com/ and I’m feeling quite unsatisfied with how unorganized my life is! This woman seems to have a perfectly dusted home, two kids and still has time to dye and cook and sew and knit perfect little garments for her girls and everyone around her!

Me? I have rubbish in every room, and about 100 different projects on the needles. The one I was doing today… I’m not even sure what it is, yet. It started as a scarf for Australia Day, until I realized that Byron is very rarely going to need an Australia Day Scarf, so it’s becoming a “late night at the fireworks” hat. I think.

It’s nearly 9, and Nathan’s gone to bed already, as he’s back to work tomorrow. He’s still getting up at 5am. The kids are both asleep by now, usually. Jasmine is a little harder to get to bed, but Byron will go after his milk at about 7:30. Sometimes you hear him playing in his cot a little, but that’s quite fine.

Why am I such a mess? I don’t even get around to brushing my hair some days… forget dusting the furniture! The vacuuming might get done once a week, if I’m lucky, and half the time it’s Nathan who has done it!

Maybe I should get onto the list I made myself and stuck to the cupboard wall.

Yes, I’ll do that tomorrow.

Right now, I’m going to spend 5 minutes cleaning the lounge room and then sit down and knit on the Vivian. It’s my goal to finish it for my 33rd birthday, though it’s looking tricky. I keep getting distracted by Australia Day knits and Hand-dyed baby socks. Sigh.

P.S. I'm not going to apologize for how long it's been since blogging, because I've been blogging on Knitterings. Click on my profile and you'll see Ü

P.P.S. This tickled my funny bone.