Monday, February 12, 2007

Up early again

I'm getting sick of trying to find something to do in the middle of the night! It's about 4:15, and I've been up since 1 or so, as I was sick of lying in bed.

Of course, at 3pm yesterday I was falling asleep at the computer, so I had to go to bed. Silly screwy sleep patterns. Bet they fix themselves just as the baby is born...

I sat down a few weeks back and made a baby list. I went through the magazine that Ruth gave me ages ago and wrote down all the things I thought I needed, and put it on the computer, so I could tick off things as I got them (and hopefully not forget something vital like a baby car seat!) Then it was too hard to resist the temptation to cross off a few things! So I did a little shopping in the baby aisle of Big W. I just got creams and lotions and baby wraps and stuff.

The most annoying thing about knowing the sex of the baby is that it doesn't really help anyone. In particular, I can't go to the mall and buy all those cute boy's/girl's clothes that I like, in case someone I know sees me at the checkout and guesses. Auntie Sandie suggested going out of town to shop... like the Pumpkin Patch factory outlet in Melbourne. lol! Good idea, though PP is probably still too expensive that way.

I had to restrain myself because I knew I had a baby shower coming up. Now that was fun! It was last Saturday, and there were actually a few people there. (I wondered if anyone would come Ü) We played a few little games (fun and nothing silly or embarrassing) and ate quite a bit of rubbish. He he. And there were presents!! I know it's kind of traditional to take a gift to a baby shower, but I was thinking that (if anything) they'd be small presents like a little toy teddy or a little all-in-one suit. Instead I went home with bags and bags of stuff, plus some borrowed stuff, plus a big plate of Mum's slices! Couldn't get over how nice everyone was!

Nathan and I had our first antenatal class last Monday. We're going again tonight. The class was ok, though we had to sit on uncomfortable chairs for 2 hours. The midwife talked about normal labor and what to expect, when to come in to hospital, etc. She said that it's normally about 12-14 hours from the time that contractions are 10 minutes apart, and that all contractions are quite painful. Sigh. I had the idea that they only got painful near the end, and mostly just because the muscles were so tired. I hope she was exaggerating. I mentioned this unhappy info at the baby shower, and everyone started telling stories about how it's not always that long, and certainly not that bad, which made me feel a bit better. Of course, I don't suppose I'll trust what that midwife says again, but I'd rather believe my friends, thanks!

Auntie Sandie is giving us her pram and a bag (to cart around all those spare nappies and toys), which is extremely good of her! Simon and Esther offered one of their two prams, but Esther is still using them both, and Nathan was keen to have our stuff organized. Plus, Auntie Sandie's is probably in better nick. And it means she will come and visit me when she brings it down Ü. Favorite auntie. She used to spoil us good!

I can see the baby kicks now! Nathan hasn't... every time he looks or tries to feel a kick, that naughty little thing stops kicking! Probably thinks it's funny. We have been trying to come up with some names, but it is difficult. We don't seem to like anything the same!! Poor kid will have to choose its own name when it's old enough to decide.

Nathan's mum asked (at the baby shower), "So, are you choosing boys' or girls' names?" lol. I told her both (as we are) and that she wasn't very subtle. She just laughed... and then promised Esther that she'd let her know if she ever found out! Next time we're not going to find out the sex and it will be much less stressful! It's difficult not to say "he" or "she" sometimes. A girl at work is convinced that it's a boy because she thinks she heard me say "he"! (I muttered something like "Stop that..." and then explained to her " kicking me". She thought I said "He's kicking me.") Anyway, opinions are pretty much 50/50 and vary depending on all the "old wives' tales" that they know of. Ü

I've had one bank shift on 4 South and have 2 more booked this week. All afternoon shifts, thankfully. It was good to be back. I do love nursing!

Well, I'd better get back to bed and try and get 3 more hours of sleep. Nathan and I are leaving at 8:30 (he says) to go looking for cots and car seats. It will be fun, though I'd prefer to be awake if possible.